Fifa Soccer Manager 1cd - focimanager (174.7 Mb)
   Rebel Assault 2 2cd - akció,Star Wars  
   Command&Conquer Red Alert 2cd - stratégia
   Mad dog 1,2 1cd - akció
   Network q rally 1cd - audióval,autóverseny
   Cd1: Red Alert Disk1 582.06 Mb
   Cd2: Red Alert Disk2 628.03 Mb, 
   Red Alert Counterstrike 1cd,audióval - stratégia,mission(Westwood)
   Outlaws 2cd,audioval - 3d,western,3DFX is  
   Fifa 97 1cd - foci
   F1GP2 1cd - autóverseny
   Diablo 1cd - rpg,akció 
   Neverhood 1cd - logikai,kaland,gyurmaemberes   
   Need For Speed 2  - autóverseny
   X Wing Vs Tiefighter 2cd,audióval - starwars,szim,multipl,3DFX is
   Interstate 76 2cd,audióval - autóverseny
   Dungeon Keeper 1cd,audióval - stratégia,rpg
   Die Hard Trilogy 1cd,audióval - akció,3DFX is   
   Extreme Assault 1cd,audióval - helikopteres akció,szimulátor,3DFX is
   Warlords 3 1cd,audióval - stratégia
   Dark Reign 1cd,audióval - stratégia
   Total Annihilation 2cd,audióval - stratégia,
   Red Alert The Aftermath 1cd,audióval - stratégia,küldetés (Westwood)
   Shadow Of The Empire 1cd,audióval - Star Wars akció,csak 3DFX
   Age Of Empires 1cd,audióval - stratégia
   Virtua Fighter 2 1cd,audióval - verekedős,3DFX is
   Fifa 98 Road To World Cup 1cd - foci,3DFX is
   Oddworld 1cd - mászkálós
   Tomb Raider 2 1cd,audióval - akció,kaland,3DFX is
   Worms 2 1cd,audióval - ügyességi
   Quake 2 1cd,audióval - 3D,3DFX is
   Turok 1cd,audióval - 3D,csak 3DFX
   F22 Air Dominance Fighter 1cd,audióval - szimulátor,3DFX is
   Hellfire 1cd - kaland,rpg,mission
   Virtua Cop 2 1cd,audióval - akció,lövöldözős,3DFX is
   Settlers 2 Gold 1cd,audióval - stratégia
   Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1cd,audióval - akció
   X Wing Vs Tie Power Balance 1cd,audióval - akció,Star W. miss,3DFX is
   Lords Of Magic 1cd - stratégia
   Dark Omen 1cd,audióval - stratégia,3DFX is
   Zork: Grand Inquisitor 2cd - kaland
   Battle Zone 1cd,audióval - akció,3DFX is
   Subculture 1cd,audióval - tengeralattjárószimulátor,3DFX is
   Enemy Nations 1cd - stratégia
   Starcraft 1cd - stratégia
   Die By The Sword 1cd - akcio,3DFX is
   Fighting Force 1cd,audióval - verekedős,csak 3DFX   
   For Saken 1cd,audióval - 3d,3DFX is
   Motorhead 1cd - autoverseny,3dfx is
   Army Man 1cd - akció
   Might & Magic 6 2cd - kaland,rpg
   Total Annihillation Mission 1cd - stratégia,küldetés 
   World Cup 98 1cd - foci,3DFX is
   Unreal 1cd - 3d,3DFX is
   Hexplore 1cd - rpg
   Mechcommander 1cd - stratégia,lépegetős
   Commandos 1cd,audióval - akció,felülről
   Mortal Kombat 4 1cd - verekedős 3DFX is
   Age Of Empires Final Conflict 1cd,audióval - stratégia,missio
   Total Annihilation Battletactics 1cd,audióval - stratégia,mission
   NHL 99 1cd - j‚gkorong
   Caesar 3 1cd - strat‚gia
   Düne 2000 - stratégia
   Need For Speed 3 - autoverseny,3dfx is
   Colin McRae Rally 1cd - rallyverseny,3DFX is
   Fifa 99 1cd - foci,3DFX is
   Popolous 3 1cd - stratégia
   Sin 1cd - 3d,3DFX is
   Rainbow six - 1cd - akció 3dfx is
   Setllers 3 -2 cd,audióval - stratégia
   Age Of Empires The rise of rome 1cd,audióval - stratégia,missio
   Max 2				        1cd	
   Wargames				        1cd
   Extreme tactics			        1cd	strategia
   Hexplore				        1cd
   Bornout				        1cd
   O zone				        1cd
   Redneck ride again			        1cd	redneck miss. disk.
   Egypt BC. 1156				1cd	piramis kaland ismt.
   Hercules				        1cd	ugyes.
   Team apache				        1cd	helikopter szim.
   Hause of the death			        1cd	lovoldozos
   Small soldiers				1cd	
   Jurassic park 2				1cd	osleny v.
   Soldiers at war				1cd	
   Jagged allince 1				1cd
   Dominion				        2cd
   Gex 3d	                                1cd
   Redneck ride again			        1cd	redneck miss. disk.
   Egypt BC. 1156				1cd	piramis kaland ismt.
   Hercules				        1cd	ugyes.
   Team apache				        1cd	helikopter szim.
   Hause of the death			        1cd	lovoldozos
   Small soldiers				1cd	
   Jurassic park 2				1cd	osleny v.
   Soldiers at war				1cd	
   Jagged allince 1				1cd		
   The operational art of war			1cd	
   Hidden world				        1cd
   Insurrection				        1cd		
   X-FILES				        7cd	kaland
   Monkey island 3			        2cd
   ohnny herbert's grand prix 98		1cd	forma1
   Ground zero				        1cd	Quake 2 miss. disk.
   Return fire 2				1cd
   Sperhead				        1cd
   Of light and darkness			3cd			
   Israel air force				1cd	repulo szim.
   Robo rumble				        1cd
   Hardwar				        2cd
   Comanche gold				1cd	helikopter szim.
   Wetrix				        1cd	logikai
   Axis & allies				1cd
   Death reckoning				1cd
   Grand prix legend's 98			1cd	regi formula szim
   Total air war				1cd	repulo szim.
   Shivers2				        1cd	
   Addidas power soccer manager		        1cd	focimanager
   Roland garos 98				1cd	tenis
   Wallstreet				        1cd	tozsdeszim.
   Lode runner 2				1cd
   Hedz					        1cd	
   Knight's and merkants			1cd
   Shogo				        1cd
   Actua tenis				        1cd	tenis
   Interstate gold 76			        2cd	autos lovoldozos
   Chessmasters 6000			        2cd	sakk
   Power chess 98			        2cd	sakk
   Missing in action			        2cd	commandos
   Nascar 99				        1cd	autos
   Barrage				        1cd	
   Lord's of magic SE			        1cd
   Klingon honor guard			        2cd
   Fa premier leangue footbal manager 99        1cd	foci manager
   Rage of mages				1cd
   Trespasser				        1cd	dinoszaurusz v.
   101 The airborne invasion of normandy	1cd	
   Big game hunter			        2cd	Vadasz szim.
   Sanitarium				        3cd	kaland
   Morpheus				        3cd	
   Virus 2000				        1cd	urhajos vadasz
   Starship Titanic 			        3cd	
   Monaco Gp				        1cd	autos
   Veszhelyzet				        1cd	baleset szim hun.
   Hopkins FBI				        1cd
   Tie fighter				        1cd	Star Wars urhajo szim
   X-wing				        1cd	Star Wars	urhajo szim
   Grim fandango			        2cd
   Pro pinball-Big race USA			1cd	flipper
   Time warriors				1cd
   Knex					        1cd
   Capitalism plus				1cd
   Micromachines				1cd 	autos
   Centipede				        1cd
   Stratego				        1cd
   White tail impact				1cd
   Red baron 3D				        1cd	reulo szim.
   Pro pool 3D				        1cd	pool szim.
   MS. Arcade pinball			        1cd	flipper
   NBA 99				        1cd	kosarlabda
   Carmageddon 2				1cd	autos ember gazolo
   Glover				        1cd
   Hupikek torpok 2 /csak win95/		1cd
   Railroad tycoon 2			        1cd
   Asteroids				        1cd	urhajos
   Red Guard				        2cd
   Lego chess				        1cd	sakk 3d
   Top Shot				        1cd	lovesz prg.
   Combat flight szimulator			1cd	repulo szim.
   Aqua zone				        1cd	aquvarium  szim.
   Fallout 2				        1cd
   Enemy infestation			        1cd
   Senitel returns				1cd
   5th Element				        1cd	kaland ugyes.
   Nightlong				        3cd	kaland
   Europien air war				1cd 	repulo szim.
   The rise of Rome				1cd	Age of e. miss.disk
   Delta force				        1cd
   Redneck Rampage possum bayon		        1cd	redneck miss. disk.
   Droid works				        1cd	Star Wars robotos
   Stunt track driver				1cd	
   Last bronx				        1cd
   Aircraft Carriers				1cd	repulo szim 3dfx is
   Half life				        1cd	3d,3dfx is 
   Tomb raider 3				1cd
   Test drive 5				        1cd
   King's quest 8- mask of eternity		1cd 
   F-16 Multirole Fighter			1cd
   Knight's and merkant's hun.	                1cd 
   Deathkatz				        1cd
   MIG-29 Fulcrum				1cd
   Tiger woods 99			        2cd	
   Blood 2				        1cd     3d,3dfx is
   Heretic 2				        1cd
   WWII Fighters 			        2cd
   Return to krondor 			        2cd
   Viper Racing				        1cd 	autos  3dfx is
   Tom Chancy's			1cd	
   powerslide                                   1cd     autos 3dfx is		
   gangsters                                    1cd
   wwIIfighter full full                        2cd
   wargasm                                      1cd
   futurecop                                    1cd     robotos 3dfx is                      
   Thief                                        1cd     
   Heros II gold edit                           1cd     stratégia
   Dark Vengeance                               1cd  
   Magic & Mayhem                               1cd 
   WLS 99 /80perces/                            1cd
   Civilization 2 Multiplayer Gold Edition      1cd     statégia
   War of the Worlds                            2cd
   Sabrina                                      1cd
   Actua soccer 3                               1cd     foci 3dfx is
   Plane crazy                                  1cd
   Pinky the Brain                              1cd  
   Snow mobile racing                           1cd     
   Uprising 2                                   1cd
   Quest for Glory 5                            2cd
   Pro boarder                                  1cd
   Rival realms                                 1cd
   Sonic R                                      1cd
   West Front                                   1cd
   DR. BRAIN                                    1cd
   LIATH                                        2cd
   SKULL CAPS                                   1cd
   STARSIEGE TRIBES                             1cd
   FLY HUNTER                                   1cd      
   CARNIVORES                                   1cd
   EARTHA GLOBAL EXPLORER                       1cd
   NFL FOOTBALL PRO 99                          1cd      foci 3dfx is
   APACHE HAVOC                                 1cd
   BROOD WAR                                    1cd      starcraft missio
   ABE'S EXODDUS                                2cd      mászkálos
   FALCON 4                                     1cd
   BEHIND TO MAGIC                              2cd
   Test drive 4x4                               1cd      autos 3dfx is
   Lego island                                  1cd
   Baldur'gate                                  1cd      
   Beavid and Butt-head in                      1cd
   Simon the sorcerer pinball                   1cd      fliper
   Blackstone Chronicles                        2cd      
   close combat 3                               1cd
   Luftwaffte commander                         1cd      
   Anno 1062                                    1cd      (80 perces cd)
   Dinoszaurusz vadászat                        1cd      (80 perces cd)
   Battlecruiser 3000 AD                        1cd
   Extreme tennis                               1cd
   Sega WW soccer                               1cd
   Trophy Buck                                  1cd
   MYTH 2                                       1cd       3dfx is
   Damage Incoporated                           1cd
   Sim Sity 3000                                1cd